invited speakers

               KEYNOTE SPEAKERS









Alex Haslam, professor of Psychology and Australian Laureate Fellow at the University of Queensland, will be one of the keynote speakers during the Congress. 


Only (Re)connect: 20+ Years of the Social Identity Approach to Psychology in Organizations



Marianne Schmid Mast, full professor of Organizational Behavior at the University of Lausanne and Dean of the HEC Lausanne Business School.

The Future of Research in Work and Organizational Psychology – How New Technologies Allow New Insights










Janine Bosak,  Professor of Organizational Psychology at the Dublin City University (DCU) Business School, Ireland.


Subtle Yet Powerful: Gender Stereotypes as Barriers to Women’s Leadership


Martin C. Euwema, Full professor for Organizational Psychology at the University of Leuven, Belgium.


"…a time for war and a time for peace…”: What role can and should Work and Organizational Psychologists take in times of war?




Stuart Carr,  The UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Livelihoods and Professor of Psychology, Industrial and Organizational Psychology Program, Massey University, New Zealand.


What makes a livelihood sustainable?



                   SPEAKERS — THE FUTURE IS NOW









Ans De Vos, full Professor at Antwerp Management School, where she holds the Chair on Sustainable Careers.


Enhancing the sustainability of careers in disruptive times


Richard Griffith, the Executive Director of The Institute for Culture, Collaboration, & Management at the Florida Institute of Technology.


The Paradigm Shift in Talent Management: Engagement in the Post-Pandemic Era











Ståle Valvatne Einarsen, professor of work and organizational psychology at the University of Bergen, where he has acted as Head of the Bergen Bullying Research Group over the last 20 years.


Workplace bullying and harassment: From an organizational taboo to the development of robust ethical infrastructures in organizations




Ryne A. Sherman, Chief Science Officer at Hogan Assessment Systems.



The Past and Future of Personality Assessment










Audrey McGibbon,  Executive Director & Founder, EEK & SENSE.


Headaches (and their remedies) in pursuit of best practice test development for a new multi-scale measure of leader wellbeing.




Stephen Covington, an adviser to NATO’s senior military and political leadership.



Challenge, Leadership, Change: Reflections on Three Decades of NATO Adaptation










Ute-Christine Klehe, chairs the team of Work and Organizational Psychology at Justus-Liebig-University Giessen (Germany).


Katja Wehrle, department of Work and Organizational Psychology at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen (Germany) .



Safe haven? Refugees’ challenges and threats in the receiving country’s labour market, their coping, and avenues for adversarial growth and meaningfulness








Rob Briner, Professor of Organizational Psychology at Queen Mary, University of London and was co-founder and Scientific Director of the Center for Evidence-Based Management (


Evidence-based practice in organizational psychology:  Where did we go wrong and how can we do it better?



Prof. Joanna Bryson,professor of Ethics and Technology.



The role of humans in the age of intelligent machines





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