Prof. Martin C. Euwema


                   Full professor for Organizational Psychology at the University of Leuven, Belgium



                    “…a time for war and a time for peace…”: What role can and should Work and Organizational Psychologists take in times of war?





Confronted with a brutal war in Ukraine, and related crisis in Europe, within the EU the attitude towards war, the need to defend, and the use of military force, has changed dramatically. This also   challenges us, as psychologists, and in particular Work and Organizational psychologists, to rethink how we can and should contribute in times of war, postwar, as well as in rebuilding peace. In this keynote Martin first shows the importance of our work as W&O psychologists throughout the complete deployment cycle (from recruitment and selection, to training, monitoring, and reintegrating). Secondly, challenges on our professional and personal ethics, how to engage, and relate to brutal violence, being close to, or far from home. Finally, Martin discusses the need for academic work on conflict and negotiation in the process of post-war, promoting the academic-practitioner.    



Martin C. Euwema is full professor for Organizational Psychology at the University of Leuven, Belgium. He is chair of the research group O2L (Occupational and Organisational Psychology and Professional Education), and co-director of the Leuven Centre for Business Families.

Martin is past-president of the International Association for Conflict Management (IACM). His research interests are leadership, conflict management and mediation, and group dynamics in top teams.

He has been teaching at different institutes and business schools around the world, and was Wei Lung professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing. He was visiting professor at BIT (Beijing), Copenhagen (Denmark) and University of Sevilla (Spain).

His research covers a broad domain, and often is co-constructed and funded in close cooperation with organizations, including military, police, diplomacy, and service organizations. Martin worked with the Dutch army since his first studies in 1989, on conflict behaviour by officers, deployment, stress and violence in high-risk occupations. Martin worked for many years with the Clingendael institute (Netherlands), to train commissioned officers, police and diplomats in negotiation and conflict management.


He has more than 30 years of experience as consultant, mediator and coach. He is (co)author of more than 200 articles and books. Together with Lourdes Munduate he is editor of the Springer academic book series: Industrial Relations and Conflict Management.


Martin did a Masters in Social Psychology and in Organizational Psychology at Utrecht University (The Netherlands), before becoming research assistant at Free University (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), where he also received his PhD in Psychology with a study on effectiveness of conflict behaviour in hierarchical work relations (including the military). After this, he was assistant and associate professor at Utrecht University (The Netherlands), before joining KU Leuven as full professor in 2007.


Enjoy reading an interview with Professor Martin Euwema, where Ingrid Covington asked about the current issues that he believes we urgently need to address as a profession, and how these impact on the great problems we continue to face as a society. Take a look at the interview at this link.


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