e-Posters – with or without Pre-recorded talk

For the Poland congress we are pioneering e-posters rather than the traditional paper poster. This has numerous advantages. For example, all posters will be available during the entire congress, and can be accessed for at least 12 months after the event. There are no printing costs nor problems with luggage on flights.


Poster will be viewable on the tablet or laptop of delegates with high quality rendition, zoomable format and the ability to link files such as complex figures or images.


There will still be interactivity since we will programme scheduled times when anyone wanting to talk with a poster presenter need only click a button
to make electronic contact with that presenter. Up to 10 people can make contact at the same time and hold a group chat. Additionally, there is a simple messaging process built in to the viewing platform which allows extended contact to be made and which also allows people to set up physical meetings – we intend to support this with designated meeting spaces.


A further advantage is that presenters can pre-record a 3-minute video presentation and upload a viewable PowerPoint. This helps with the requirements of some universities for some kind of oral presentation to allow funding support.


Posters can cover:

  • (a) Science
  • (b) Practice
  • (c) Science & Practice

While the submission of an Abstract for reviewing has a word limit of 500 words, the posters themselves should ideally use no more than 300 words plus supporting graphics. Posters are required to be in landscape format and further details will be provided in due course about file format and file size.



Abstracts (3500 characters limit) for an e-Poster are structured:

  1. Title of submission
  2. Research goals and why the work was worth doing
  3. Theoretical background
  4. Design/Methodology/Approach/Intervention
  5. Results obtained or expected (if not available, it must be made clear when they will be)
  6. Limitations
  7. Research/Practical Implications
  8. Relevance to the Congress Theme
  9. Relevant UN SDGs
  10. Poster only, or Poster with Video presentation


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