
As has been the case at recent Congresses, presentations at EAWOP 2023 are necessarily limited in number by the time available as well as the number of parallel sessions that are desirable. We have therefore sought to develop ideas for new modes of presenting to make the conference more accessible but also more participative and exciting. We are also seeking to support developments that raise the contribution of our profession.


Open Science

EAWOP is strongly in favour of the principles of Open Science and thus it is expected that every opportunity to network and share should be taken. For example, the audience for posters or papers should have easy access to presenter contact details and the slides/materials used or discussed.  One way to achieve this is to use a web source for slides and further information such as recent papers or papers-in-preparation. This can be easily done using a printed or projected QR-code (there are many websites offering to help with QR code generation).


EAWOP Topic Areas

You will be asked to identify which of the 18 EAWOP topic areas that you feel your submission best fits. Given that our profession covers so many diverse areas, the list that you can choose from is necessarily quite long and you may not completely agree with its contents. Nonetheless, please do your best to make an appropriate selection as it helps us all a great deal when (a) we allocate reviewers and (b) when attendees at congress are searching for presentations that best suit their interests.


You will also be asked to provide up to three keywords for each submission to support searches for relevant content and to identify the most relevant audience – Academics, Practitioners, or both.


UN Sustainable Development Goals (2015)

The United Nations Member States has adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for all nations to work toward. The goals that appear to be most relevant to WOP and which EAWOP wishes to promote at congress are:


  • No poverty
  • Good health and wellbeing
  • Quality education
  • Gender equality
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Reduced inequalities
  • Responsible consumption and production
  • Peace, justice, and strong institutions
  • Partnerships for the goals


We are asking submitters, if possible, to identify how their work contributes to the SDGs where that is the case.


Types of Submission

There are some new approaches to presentation suggested for EAWOP 2023. Please take time to look through the full set of possible presentations before deciding on your own target/s for submissions. Remember:

  1. The language of submissions and presentation is English (UK English preferred).
  2. The first author of an Abstract is considered to be the presenter of this contribution at the EAWOP congress. As first author, each person may submit a maximum of three submissions. If you are both the convenor, co-convenor or discussant of a Symposium/Forum and also a presenting author this only counts as one submission.
  3. We strongly encourage submissions with multiple perspectives such as Academic + Practitioner or Practitioner + Client and we also encourage submissions with international collaborators.
  4. To aid anonymised reviewing please ensure there is no identifying information in your abstract.
  5. We may offer you a different category for your submission if recommended by reviewers
  6. You or your named presenter MUST present IN-PERSON.
  7. You or your named presenter MUST be registered to attend by 31st March 2023, or the submission may be withdrawn from the programme. Presenters must register with an appropriate 3-day congress package.
  8. Authors must disclose any commercial associations that might pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article/presentation.


When you submit, the system will request a range of information that is important to the organising committee for various operational purposes, and these are required fields.


Reviewers required

When submitting, we strongly encourage you to select the option to volunteer as part of the Reviewer Panel. As you can imagine, the more reviewers we have and the broader their expertise, the faster and more effective the Reviewing process should be. We would expect that reviews will be completed online within a four-week window.



If you experience any challenges that cannot be dealt with by reading the Submissions FAQ section, please email





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