Future of Work and Organisational Psychology Day: desire, hope and imagination - Utopia in work and organisational psychology


Code: FD01


Presenters: Matthijs Bal,  Franziska Kößler,  Yvonne van Rossenberg, Sidra Liaqat, Edina Dóci,  Zoe Sanderson, Severin Hornung,  Chris Hartgerink  and Dieu Hack-Polay


Organisations represented: University of Lincoln, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Radboud University, University of Barcelona, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, University of Bristol, University of Innsbruck, Liberate Science, Crandall University & University of Lincoln


The main learning objectives of this workshop are to:

  • jointly imagine a more sustainable future for work and organisational psychology
  • offer an inclusive, creative and open space for everyone in work and organisational psychology to express our voice about what we desire the future of our field to be
  • explore how we could collectively work towards such visions
  • further develop an agenda for research and academic activism, and work and organisational psychology practice, for social and ecological sustainability
  • introduce, as part of this, the Future of Work and Organisational Psychology (FoWOP) Network and shape its future activities
  • offer and discuss ways to get connected with and actively involved in the FoWOP Network
  • think about EAWOP and FoWOP in the postcolonial contexts


Who is this workshop for?

The target audience for the FoWOP day is everyone within work and organisational psychology, especially those who desire positive change. Students, early career researchers, practitioners, and senior scholars are all welcome. FoWOP aims to provide an inclusive space for everyone who is interested in co-constructing the future of our field.


Discover more

The FoWOP Day is an initiative of the FoWOP Network, a grassroots collective of people within work and organisational psychology who want to build a more positively impactful future for and through our field (see www.futureofwop.com).


The theme for the FoWOP Day is: Desire, Hope and Imagination; Utopia in Work and Organisational Psychology. This will not be like a typical conference session or workshop but will be highly interactive and participative.


We aim to create an environment of openness in which everyone is welcome to discuss and imagine desires and hopes for our field. There will be space to reflect on problematic aspects and experiences, but we mainly intend to emphasise the positive contributions we can make towards a more sustainable discipline.


Price: €15

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