Picturing the future of work we want: lessons from Polish history and art


Code: AM03


Presenter: David Le Mentec


Organisation represented: Surround Capital


The main learning objectives of this workshop are to:

  • recognise the complexity of what we mean when we talk about the Future of Work
  • practise our ability to process signals and adapt our point of view on work, using history and art as our guide, with some inspiration from Poland
  • start to frame an individual action plan to dialogue the Future of Work and bring new possibilities into view at local level


Who is this workshop for?

This workshop lends itself to both academics (including students) and practitioners. It will be particularly relevant to anyone who desires to help in shaping the Future of Work agenda within their organisation and who would like to leave the session with concrete action steps. No previous experience is necessary.


Discover more

The Future of Work. Don’t we all know what it means (until we are asked to define it)?


This workshop will first help participants take a rigorous, data-driven approach to analyse the present of work some of us live in and how this state can inform choices about our future at work. Then, with historical and artistic detours from Poland and the rest of the world, participants will explore how cultivating perspective and adapting our point of view can help us shape a better vision of work in the future.


Finally, working in sub-groups under the tutelage of a renowned Polish perspectivist, participants will define concrete actions they can take to foster the emergence of the Future of Work we might want.


For two decades, David Le Mentec (ex DDI, PDI) has been helping Boards and the C-suite boost human performance by bringing as much rigour and vigour into culture, talent, and leadership, as in their numbers. He offers a fresh perspective on the cultural vectors and behaviours to win at organisational, team and individual level for the distinct, yet not unique, moment we’re in.


Price: €35

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