7 minutes science

Single presenter sessions that can be:

  • (a) Science
  • (b) Practice
  • (c) Science & Practice


These are oral presentations presenting innovative research or practice where the presentation time is 7-minutes per contribution and the aim is to explain the key points as if to an intelligent lay audience, thus giving a short and precise coverage of a topic. They are often very high energy and fun sessions.


A maximum of 10 slides can be used, focussing on images with very few words.


More than ever, Psychologists need to be able to communicate to a broad audience, not just fellow scientists from within their specialism. A 7-minute Science talk provides a story about research that engages an intelligent, non-specialist audience and gets across the main ‘take-away’ message. The details of the work can be read or discussed later, but first other people must be interested, even enthusiastic, about the topic. This means being clear, straightforward, even simple. Good communicators take a willing listener on a journey with them. Get audience attention and summarise the topic in the first two minutes. Take them through the substance of your talk in minutes three to six, then use the last minute to emphasise the main points they should take away with them.



A researcher has developed a taxonomy of factors which influence the accuracy of performance ratings. The work has clear implications for future research where performance ratings are among the variables measured as well as the potential for substantial impact on practice, with better performance ratings supporting performance management and assessment practice. The presentation starts with a slide showing the theoretical background to the performance rating process, then briefly summarises the research and highlights factors that improve or detract from the quality of ratings. It finishes with a review of areas where the findings will have impact.


Abstracts (3500 characters limit) of a 7-minute Science oral presentation are structured:

  1. Title of submission
  2. Research goals and why the work was worth doing
  3. Theoretical background
  4. Design/Methodology/Approach/Intervention
  5. Results obtained or expected (if not available, it must be made clear when they will be)
  6. Limitations
  7. Conclusions – research and or practical implications/Originality/Value
  8. Relevance to the Congress Theme
  9. Relevant UN SDGs



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